ROSA offers students daily wellness check-ins that pre-screen for major mental health disabilities, monitors students already diagnosed with mental health disabilities, and facilitates real-time mental health support for the highest-need students
Here's How it Works
Our daily check-ins are short self-directed assessments that allow students to identify, express, and address their daily emotions. Check-ins build critical SEL skills that students need to succeed academically and socially.
The data from the check-ins become reliable information for teachers and counselors to leverage to effectively monitor and identify students at risk for poor outcomes. This is helpful to identify students exhibiting externalizing and internalizing patterns of negative emotions.
Our technology uses a negative emotions protocol that pre-screens for more serious mental health challenges. Instant notifications are sent to appropriate staff and ROSA helps facilitate individualized and on-demand support to high-need students.
Our work is based on research from leading academic institutions and an expert team of mental health professionals.
We are committed to leveraging technology to support students with diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health disabilities to reach thier full academic potential. Research suggests that improving student emotional well-being has a statistically significant impact on academic outcomes. We want all students to be emotionally healthy and reach their true potential, especially students furthest away from opportunity.
ROSA has worked with thousands of students in the following districts:
“ROSA has been such a helpful tool to implement in my classroom as a way to monitor my students' emotional well-being. Because the 'conversation' with ROSA requires students to click on answer choices from a pre-selected menu rather than type out full answers to the questions, students are able to complete the conversations within 2-3 minutes. This allows me to build these mental health check-ins easily without sacrificing much instructional time--the ultimate win-win situation!"
“ROSA was a powerful tool that made my job at identifying high-risk students very easy. The best part about ROSA was the data. Though ROSA is a Tier 1 intervention, it allows my team to create quicker and more accurate Tier 3 interventions for our students. We also learned that our students were willing to share how they were feeling everyday. We just needed to ask them how they were feeling. We could do that everyday for every student with ROSA. Really powerful."
"This program is one of the most insightful apps I've ever used as a teacher. As schools we typically only measure academic growth, but I am now able to measure our students social and emotional growth. Students have been able to finally identify their feelings and learn ways to overcome them. Using this program has been the highlight of my teaching career thus far. I was also able to support my students like never before, and it resulted in my 7th grade students getting the highest reading scores in our network. I believe ROSA had a big part in those results."
You may have questions about how ROSA works.
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions.
ROSA offers annual software licenses that offer students daily check-ins that pre-screen for more serious mental health challenges, access to all user dashboards (student, teacher, counselor, etc.), and on-demand support from our mental health response team. ROSA also offers professional development for school staff to improve their response to student mental health challenges, for school leaders to leverage the data to make better decisions for their students, and training for families who want to learn more about how to respond to the mental health needs of their children.
ROSA partners with an organized called Behavioral Health Response (BHR), who provides licensed professionals who have a background in mental health counseling, positive behavioral interventions and supports, and culturally responsive care. These mental health responders are assigned to schools and work with those schools to directly address individual student mental health challenges through chat technology and tele-health. Mental health responders monitor daily student data and work with school counselors to address students’ needs and prevent disruptive behaviors and major incidents such as suicide.
Please contact us for pricing.
Go to “Signup” and register your school. Once approved, you can begin registering students and using ROSA.
ROSA is for academic institutions such as K-12 schools and colleges and univerisities who support students with mental health disabilities.
ROSA is web-based and therefore can be used on any electronic device that has the internet (i.e. laptop, iPad, Tablet, desktop, smart phone, etc.)
Yes! Students are able to login using most API integrations including Clever, Google, and Microsoft.
ROSA does offer a school-based social and emotional learning curriculum through our partnership with ASSET Education.
A member of the ROSA team will be with you to discuss your needs.